Are you seeking easy-to-implement social-emotional activities for elementary or middle-school aged youth, whether in school or out-of-school settings? These SEL Activities may be small in size but deliver a significant impact.
Activity: Choose from real-life scenarios that allow students to take a stand. Students decide how they would handle each situation, discuss the choices with classmates, and then consider the various perspectives and ways they can act as allies.
SEL Core Competencies: Responsible decision-making, social awareness, self-management
Grades: 4-8
Time: 15 minutes
Essential Questions: How can we act as allies in our daily lives? What are the different ways we can take a stand for others?
Student Action: Take a stand to support a person, group, or cause you believe in.
Program Connections: This activity has been modified from a lesson in our Middle School Allyship Spotlight. To learn more, visit our PROGRAMS page.
Related Blog Post: Starting Small Can Help Students Learn How to Take a Stand for Something Big
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