SEL Activity: Same Situation, Different Perspectives

SEL Activity: Same Situation, Different Perspectives

Are you looking for easy-to-implement social-emotional activities for your elementary school classroom? These SEL Activities may be small in size but deliver a significant impact.

Activity: This activity introduces students to the topic of perspectives or points of view by using an optical illusion that has more than one answer. It can be difficult to hear or understand another person’s perspective, but by considering their feelings in comparison to those of the main character, students can take a deeper dive into exploring perspectives.

SEL Core Competencies

Self-awareness: Identifying emotions

Self-awareness: Authenticity

Social awareness: Perspective-taking

Grades: 3-5

Time: 30 minutes

Essential Questions: Why is it helpful to recognize one’s emotions compared to others? In what ways is perspective-taking a kind action?

Student Action: Students practice perspective-taking to understand others better and create positive connections.

Program Connections: This activity supports all lessons in our ThinkGive Elementary programs in which students practice perspective-taking when taking action. Visit our PROGRAMS page to learn more.

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