University Liggett School: Featured Partner Story

We asked the educators and students from University Liggett School in Grosse Pointe Woods, Michigan to share their feedback about their ThinkGive experience. Here is what they had to say.

Educator: Peggy Dettlinger

Grade: 4

Started partnering with ThinkGive: 2017

On a scale of 1 to 10, how satisfied are you with your ThinkGive experience? 10

How did ThinkGive help you connect with your students? 

I am an administrator and this program allows me to come in weekly and work with our fourth graders.

How did ThinkGive have an impact on your students?

I have heard students reminding others of opportunities to be kind and grateful.

What’s a highlight from your experience with ThinkGive?

We had a powerful discussion about taking things for granted. The children were very quick to talk about all the things from Covid that they had taken for granted… birthday parties, grandparents, swim team, playgrounds, etc. I enjoy the conversations the most. I appreciate when students make connections from one lesson to the next.

Why would you recommend ThinkGive? 

I think it is a good program and so needed.

We surveyed the students who participated in ThinkGive, and the results were outstanding. After participating in ThinkGive:

94% agreed they will try to be kinder to others

84% agreed they will try to be kinder to themselves

81% agreed they feel empowered that they can make an impact on their world

97% agreed that ThinkGive helped them connect with their friends; 88% with their family; 88% with their classmates; 75% with their teachers

And the students had some wonderful things to say about the program:

“I am a better person now.”

“It taught me to appreciate more!”

“ThinkGive impacted me by showing me more ways to be kind. I loved ThinkGive.”