Are you seeking easy-to-implement social-emotional activities for elementary or middle-school-aged youth, whether in school or out-of-school settings? These SEL Activities may be small in size but deliver a significant impact.
Activity: Students will consider what people, places, things, and communities are important to them and discuss and brainstorm ways to stand up for something that matters to them, provide others access to an experience, or support a cause.
SEL Core Competencies: Self-awareness, self-management, responsible decision-making
Grades: 4-8
Time: 15 minutes
Essential Questions: What steps can we take to support people, places, things, and communities that matter to us? How can our support help strengthen people, places, and communities?
Student Action: Students take an action(s) to support a person, place, thing, or community they care about. They can use an idea from their worksheet or create something new!
Program Connections: This activity has been modified from a lesson in our Middle School Allyship Spotlight. To learn more, visit our PROGRAMS page.
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